On days off we commit excesses that later take their toll on the weight, so we have to do a shock method
On vacation there is an open bar with everything: food, drink and sex (who wants and can). Everything is fun. We are happy and we do not think about tomorrow. The problem comes when we come back to reality and put on the daily outfit again. Wow, it doesn't fasten.
The excesses we do on our days off are not free: then we have to pay for them. The safest thing is that, reader, the days after the feasts and parties you will feel bloated and notice that you have gained at least two kilos.
But don't worry: you are at the right moment to lose your weight and, if you take advantage of the pull, continue to lose weight.
How to lose weight what you have put on on vacation
The best thing, in these cases, is to do a three-day ' detox plan ‘. You can expand it to seven, but with half it will be more than enough for your body to return to what it was.
On days of excess, it is best to make a crash plan that deflates the body
This plan is not a diet, but a series of rules that you must follow to stop feeling bloated and heavy, and lose those two or three kilos that you have gained in a short time. It is very good to do it, in addition to after excesses, when we want to start a certain regime, because that way we can get the body ready.
After the ' detox plan ' you can return to your eating habits, as long as they were healthy, and you will see how you will immediately return despite the usual. If you ate badly before your feasts, chances are you are even losing weight.
A five-step 'detox plan'
Now that you've decided that this plan is a good idea for you, let's see what it consists of. It is very simple, because you only have to follow the following five steps that we indicate:
Step 1: no carbohydrates. You can lose all the pounds if you forget about carbohydrates for a few days. In fact, much research has shown that a low-carbohydrate regimen is a very effective way to lose weight and improve health. A short-term decrease in carbohydrate intake can also reduce your water weight and bloating.
Step 2: no salt or seasonings. The normal thing is that you have bloated to eat salty foods (fast food, potatoes, snacks ...). During these days you must leave the salt , as it retains fluids, which makes you more bloated than usual. To lose weight, you should limit your sodium intake to one teaspoon or less per day.
Step 3: eat foods with negative calories, so you will lose weight while you eat and you 'clean'. Most are fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, grapefruit, carrots, cucumbers, apples, or zucchini.
Step 4: eat very few calories. Once you know that you should avoid carbohydrates and sodium, we go to the first step of the plan: reduce calories. To lose weight quickly and in just 48 hours you should consume 800-1,000 calories at most. It is little, but being a crash plan of only a few days will not put your health at risk.
Step 5: drink lots of water. To 'purify' and 'cleanse' the body after excesses it is essential to drink plenty of water. Besides filling you up, it is calorie-free and will keep you hydrated.
What will happen after the 'detox plan’?
As you have seen, the secret is none other than to eat little, drink water and choose, above all, natural foods and therefore avoid processed ones.
Although you will not 'detoxify' the body because it is impossible, you will feel lighter and full of energy. You will lose weight and have brighter skin and hair.
After the days taking care of your diet, you will notice how the pants close again and the abdomen deflates
Theirs is that you extend the plan for a week if the feast has been very large, and that you complement it with medium intensity exercises or high intensity intervals or HIIT.
After the days taking care of your diet, you will notice how the pants close again and the abdomen deflates.
As we mentioned earlier in this Alive After The Fall Review, the book contains a survival strategy for the trying times after an EMP disaster. Cain lays down a full-proof solution to equip yourself mentally, physically and resources-wise so that you and your loved ones can face the brunt of the disaster effectively.