Steam Info Box Templates
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11. It is expected that those unacquainted with steam craftsmanship will choose a franchised company or manufacturer of Steam Drives. The latter should be restricted to those in whose experience and skill full maintenance of steam equipment is guaranteed.
10. Any person who lacks this experience and knowledge of electrical equipment and steam craftsmanship should not embark on steam craftsmanship without first obtaining a limited amount of experience and expertise in the subject. This will ensure that future customers obtain the best of service in the trade of steam craftsmanship. Added to this, he should choose a supplier of Steam Drives, or a franchised company such as Steamcraft, from which a limited number of steam craftsmanship operations can be chosen. The licensing of Steamcraft would often restrict the choice of the customer and it may be found that most important constraints are:
9. Presently, only a limited number of Steam Drives are in active use. As experience shows, every manufacturer usually has collections of spare parts including spare of all electrical equipment. A knowledge of electrical equipment will not enable one to fix steam equipment efficiently.
7. Basic experience in steam craftsmanship is required. This experience may be gained in minor maintenance of personal steam driven devices before embarking on major machinery. (Statements in this Bulletin which may not be sufficiently clear on this topic intended for competent operators about whom experience may be only in minor repair or will be afforded only too brief a consultation.)
8. The reader is requested to note that the above mentioned necessity of experience and knowledge is by no means a limitation on the possibilities of a large industry of steam craftsmanship. (It may be added that large machines will need skilled maintenance men. The point at issue is not how many but how skilled are they and what will be the ratio of this skilled labour force per machine.) 7211a4ac4a