Prolific Usb To Serial Comm Port Driver Windows Xp
If you're using a standard serial port, if it has the proper drivers, then the serial port settings in the BIOS menu should be sufficient. You can also use a serial port program such as the one available as a free download from Campbell's (or use a standard USB-to-Serial adapter such as the one from the previous paragraph).
As for the USB-to-Serial dongle, although it is labeled with a specific part number that would correspond to a specific chipset, you said you were having trouble using it with an older serial port. There are a number of possible causes, including differences in the USB-to-Serial chip, the type of communications port used, and/or the computer BIOS version. We have a few suggestions for troubleshooting:
If you're using a laptop, you can check the ports on the computer's BIOS menu, or you can check the BIOS settings using a serial port program such as the one available as a free download from Campbell's (or you can view the serial port settings in the computer's BIOS menu).
If you're using a PC as the receiving device, you can check the port settings using the computer's BIOS menu. (The BIOS in an Optiplex is a bit different from a standard PC.) The ports on both a 7010/790 and on the 755 model are available via the POST menu.
GeoMapper This is a Windows program to view data collected from GPS devices like Garmin GPS receivers or the iPhone/iPod touch. I have not used it, but some users on the forum have reported working with it. 827ec27edc