Daughter Of Ares Mod
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ALKIPPE (Alcippe) A girl of Athens, Attika (southern Greece), daughter of Ares and Agraulos, who was raped by Hallirhothios, a son of Poseidon. Ares slew him for the crime and was acquitted of murder in the Areopagos. AMAZONES (Amazons) Warrior women of Assyria (Asia Minor), daughters of Ares and Harmonia.
Raytheon Technologies has posted sales of $15.3bn and adjusted earnings per share (EPS) of $0.90 for the first quarter of the year. EPS from continuing operations was $0.51, which included $0.39 of net non-recurring or significant items and acquisition accounting adjustments. Free cash flow in the quarter was $336m. The company maintained its backlog of $147.4bn, resumed its share repurchase programme and repurchased $375m of shares. 2b1af7f3a8