Up And Down The Worry Hill Pdf
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Casey's hard work is rewarded by the reward of fun. Riding his bike up Big Hill is a fun challenge, and coasting down the hill is fun. Riding up Big Hill and coasting down the hill is the reward for the hard work of pushing himself to ride up the hill. (If Casey's learning to ride a bike, you will be seeing him pushing himself up Big Hill every day.)
Casey has OCD. He does things that are bad for him, especially at home. He resists his OCD because he wants to please his father. And he has to learn to ride Big Hill. That is just the way life is. But life also has the rewards of riding down Big Hill, of success, of doing the best that he can. The rewards of riding Big Hill are not as big as they would be if Casey were to ride up Big Hill, but they are there. They are just not as big as riding up Big Hill because Casey cannot control what his life will be like.
The same is true for OCD. It is not as easy to ride up Big Hill because there are so many OCD thoughts and urges that try to stop us from doing the behaviors that would get us to the top of Big Hill. At the same time, there is a lot of reward at the bottom of Big Hill. The reward is learning to do the behaviors that will get us to the top of Big Hill. This reward is why it is so important to work on the behaviors that are directly related to our OCD. Remember that.
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