[P3DV4] Aerosoft - Mega Airport London Heathrow Professional Tool
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On p3d v5.1 hf 1 the dynamic lights appear to be too bright. I'm using v2 of mega airport Heathrow professional & with HDR lighting turned off, I've also tried turning off the dynamic lights off in the Heathrow control panel but they still seem to be on - the DYN files in the scenery folder are showing off for all 4 areas.
Hi J, thanks for reporting this. The dynamic lighting is controlled by the Lighting.UseDynamicLights parameter in the configuration file. You can turn it off by modifying the file to remove the parameter from the list that you want to turn off. Then restart p3d and reload the airport. That should do it.
I'm using the latest version of Mega Airport, the latest version of p3d v5.1 hf 1 and the latest version of the scenery itself. The airfield is using the same VRML version as the scenery. I have tried unzipping a fresh copy of the scenery to see if the problem was in the scenery itself but it is not causing the same issue.
I guess I'd need to use the Airport Lights plugin to make the lights look more realistic for each runway area. I'm just wondering if there is a quick way to do this without having to use the Airport Lights plugin?
I've changed the values in the file and the DYN files all look OK in the airports, but when I go to the runway and the other 3 areas, they still look too bright. The brightness seems to be a bit better in the runway area but it is still bright for each area.
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