Scientists have discovered a surprising relationship between vertigo and osteoporosis: Most people who have one of these conditions will also have the other. Because these two conditions are the result of the same underlying cause, natural remedies for vertigo are almost identical to natural remedies for osteoporosis. Therefore, by using a combination of nutrients, that is, several selected vitamins, minerals and herbs, osteoporosis and vertigo can be treated at the same time.
Nutrients you need to treat osteoporosis and vertigo
Research shows that vertigo and osteoporosis have an unexpected link. People who have vertigo - the feeling of dizziness or dizziness even when the body is at rest - are more likely to have bone loss.
In contrast, people with osteoporosis, or low bone density, were three times more likely to have vertigo. And, those with osteopenia (or pre-osteoporosis) were twice as likely to have vertigo as people with normal bone density.
The association was more pronounced in women - nearly 75% of people with a vertigo diagnosis had osteopenia or osteoporosis compared to just 43% of patients who did not experience dizziness.
Calcium is the link between vertigo and osteoporosis
While vertigo can be triggered by a number of underlying issues (swelling or fluctuating pressure in the inner ear, Meniere's disease, etc.) one of the main causes is loose calcium carbonate crystals moving through inner ear sensing tubes. The inner ear governs the sense of balance.
Both vertigo and osteoporosis are more common in post-menopausal women because the decrease in estrogen that accompanies menopause causes the bones to release more calcium into the blood. And, the increased “free” calcium also prevents the body from cleaning the inner ear crystals as it normally would.
Women very frequently have their first case of vertigo in their 50s, when they are also having a decrease in bone mass due to the loss of estrogen.
Calcium is one of the key natural remedies for vertigo and osteoporosis
Although it is well documented that calcium supplementation slows bone loss in post-menopausal women, the link between estrogen, bone loss, and vertigo has been suggested to be somewhat incomplete since men with vertigo they were also more likely to have thinning bones.
The bottom line is that while menopausal women certainly benefit from calcium supplements, men and women of all ages should regularly consume calcium. In fact, many doctors recommend getting an adequate amount of calcium from infancy to fight bone disease.
Simply put, calcium is one of the important minerals needed for healthy bones. If you don't get enough calcium or your body doesn't absorb enough from your diet, your bones will become brittle and more prone to fractures. In the same way, the consumption of calcium is one of the best natural remedies for vertigo, since it helps to clean the crystals of the inner ear.
Key factors when taking calcium supplements
Unfortunately, the typical diet today provides much less calcium than the optimal level per day, so many people would benefit from taking a calcium supplement. Here are the key factors to consider when taking such supplements:
• School-age children (ages 4 to 8) require 1,000 mg of calcium per day.
• As boys reach puberty (9 to 18), calcium needs increase to 1,300 mg per day.
• During adulthood (19 to 50 years), calcium requirements drop back to 1000 mg per day.
• And after 50, adults need about 1,200 mg of calcium per day.
Take your daily calcium supplements in divided doses; that is, you can take them with every meal and spread this way over at least two meals. Clinical studies have shown that the body can only absorb 500 mg of calcium at a time, so taking the entire 1000 mg dose in one sitting would be a waste of money.
• Calcium supplements come in various forms
• calcium carbonate
• fumarate
• malate
• succinate
• aspartate or citrate
Some forms of the supplement are better absorbed and have virtually no toxicity.
Natural remedies for vertigo are the same natural remedies for osteoporosis
Magnesium and Vitamin D to absorb calcium
Don't forget that calcium is not the only nutrient needed to promote bone health, and it might not even be the most important. In fact, calcium by itself does little good because it is not as easily absorbed by the body without taking magnesium and vitamin D.
On the other hand, eating or supplementing with an excess of calcium in the absence of other nutrients, can actually lead to osteoporosis and cause dizziness, as well as other serious problems, such as kidney stones, plaques in the arteries or calcium deposits that manifest such as pain, gout, or arthritis. Therefore, calcium must always be supplemented with two other nutrients for bone health: vitamin D and magnesium.
Vitamin D for osteoporosis and vertigo
Vitamin D in combination with calcium is included in natural remedies for vertigo and natural remedies for osteoporosis.
Vitamin D facilitates the absorption of calcium from food. Therefore, without adequate intake of vitamin D, the body cannot produce sufficient amounts of the hormone calcitriol to properly absorb calcium. Without calcitriol, the body "steals" calcium from the bones, including the bones of the inner ear.
That is why people suffering from vitamin D deficiency often suffer from a variety of symptoms including weak bones (osteopenia and osteoporosis), gum disease, brittle nails, tinnitus (ringing in the ear), and dizziness (vertigo).
In addition, ingesting vitamin D helps reduce the risk of fractures. Since vitamin D deficiencies weaken bones and dizziness, people with this deficiency are more likely to fall with painful fractures.
A study that examined the effects of vitamin D3 in combination with calcium supplementation in older women found that vitamin D3 supplements help reduce overall age-related bone loss as well as risk of fractures due to fewer fall episodes.
Magnesium for vertigo and osteoporosis
Magnesium is among the best natural remedies for vertigo and natural remedies for osteoporosis. It is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including aiding muscle relaxation, nerve conduction, stabilizing the heart rate, supporting the immune system, and maintaining strong bones.
Magnesium is also a mineral necessary for electrolyte balance in the body. If you lack an adequate amount of magnesium, your brain cannot receive messages from sensory nerves as it should. In addition, the brain can interpret the messages from the inner ear that movement and gravity make you feel, even when there is no movement at all. This leads to bouts of dizziness and loss of balance.
The foods richest in magnesium are green leafy vegetables like spinach, nuts, seeds and legumes. But most people are so deficient in this essential mineral that oral ingestion of magnesium is required in the form of a supplement.
Ginkgo Biloba
Research clearly confirms that calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D are remarkable natural remedies for vertigo, and the cornerstones of any good osteoporosis program. However, there is a Chinese herb that is also among the best natural remedies for vertigo and natural remedies for osteoporosis: Ginkgo biloba, so consider also supplementing this excellent herb if you are experiencing these conditions.
Hearing loss caused by an ototoxic medicine tends to develop quickly. The first symptoms usually are ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and vertigo. Hearing usually returns to normal after you stop taking the medicine. But some medicines can cause permanent damage to the inner ear. Quietum Plus