Varma Kalai Techniques 12.pdf |LINK|
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Varma Kalai (Tamil: varmakkalai, Malayalam and Sanskrit: marma-vidya, Sinhala: maru kalā, Telugu: marma-vidya kaḷa) is a Tamil traditional art of vital points. It originated in present-day Kanyakumari,Tamilnadu, the southernmost part of India. It combines massage, alternative medicine, traditional yoga and martial arts[1] in which the body's pressure points (varmam) are manipulated to heal or cause harm. The healing application called Vaidhiya Murai is part of Siddha medicine (siddha vaidyam).[2]
Folklore traces varma kalai to the god Shiva who is said to have taught it to his son Murugan. While disguised as an old man, Murugan passed the knowledge of 108 Varmams to the sage Agastya[4] who then recorded it and disseminated the skill among his students. Nadars tribe believes varma kalai was given to them by Agastya . Siddha medicine is also attributed to Agastya.[6] With numerous other scattered references to Varmam in Vedic and epic sources, it is certain that Tamil Nadu's early fighters knew and practiced attacking and defending vital points.[6]
Varma Kalai ( Tamil தமிழ் : வர்மக்கலை varmakkalai, Malayalam : വർമക്കല varmakkala, Sinhala : මාරු කල maru kala, Telugu : మర్మయుద్దకళ marma vidya kala, Sanskrit संस्कृतम् : मर्म विद्य marma vidya ), is a martial art and esoteric healing art originating from ancient Tamil Nadu in South India. The Indian word with meaning literally translate as "The Art of Vital Pressure Points". Adi Murai / Marma Adi, it is an advanced element of the Tamil martial arts of Kuttu varisai ( Tamil தமிழ் : குத்துவரிசை ), Silambam and Kalaripayat.
They are 96 in numbers. All the points are not dangerous, but some points show symptoms like Padu varmam injury. Some points will reduce the number of days in life; some points causes permanent disability or diseases. Some points will cause small injury and after some time it will rearrange the sara and kalai ottam itself. For example in ancient age siddhars used Urakka kaalam for anesthesia purpose during surgery. The mathirai to be given in the point for anesthesia was according to the type of surgery. The point induces the sleep according to the mathirai level. After some time the patient will wake up normally. In martial arts the point was used for temporary loss of coordination.
Varmakalai ( the art of varmam ) is considered to be very auspicious. It is believed that Lord Siva taught this art form. Indians overwhelm by saying that all rare art forms originate with roots from God. For example, epics illustrate that Tamil and Sanskrit have their origin from the sound of the 'Oodukkai' ( musical instrument in the hand of Lord Siva ). bharata Naatiyam ( the traditional dance ) originated from Lord Siva. Kama Sutra ( the art of love and sex ) originated from Lord Siva. So it is of no surprise when it is said that varmakalai, the rare art that saves humans from diseases, also originated from Lord Siva.
The history that is said so far has been taken from epics. In reality, varmakalai might have its roots in self-defense martial arts. It is the tactics man might have learnt by observing birds and animals. In Kalari ( Defense Varmalogy ), practiced in southern Tamil Nadu and Kerala, various forms like Elephant Form, Tiger Form, Fox Form, Lion Form, Hanuman Form, and etc. are still in use.
Hence, for the growth of varmakalai, mankind's capability, thinking process and action played a dominant role. Our ancestors invented this art to help the mankind. It is our duty to preserve this rare art.
I am living in Delhi but your martial arts varma kalai basically located in Tamilnadu or southern part of India .Do you know any reference or academy center to learn this martial artskindly email me at
Hi, Some of the best places to learn VARMA KALAI IN TAMIL NADU are.Varma Kalat Training Academy, Chennai. ( )ISHEN Varma Kalai Academy, Chennai. ( -arts/varmakalai/)Varma Kalai Gurukullam, Chennai ( )Varma Adi Murai Training Academy, Chennai, Nagercoil, Villupuram. ( )Aadhi Sakthi Varma Kalai, Coimbatore. (Master Gopala Krishnan) ( ) ( )Jai Varma Kalai, Coimbatore. ( )Manja Varma Kalai, Madurai (Head) and Chennai (Branch). ( )Mudhalvan Adi Murai, Combat Kinetics, Chennai (Ajit Sigamani). ( )Suraj Kalai, Bangalore and Nadar Thekkan Kalari, Kanyakumari ( )Jothi Silambam Kshatriya Gurukulam, Pondicherry ( )TO LEARN VARMA KALAI IN KERALA:Indian School of Martial Arts (ISMA), Sri. Balachandra Nair, Trivandrum. ( )Buddha Kalari, Trivandrum. ( )Atma Reksha Tantra, Dr. A.K. Prakasan Gurukkal, Kollam. ( )Agasthya Kalari, Kochi. ( )Nava Bharatha Kalari, Kochi. ( )Varma Vidya, Trivandrum ( ) 2b1af7f3a8