Tout Les Tomes De Berserk
Tout Les Tomes De Berserk ->->->->
Well in last time I think that all of us will own a Berserk copy (even those of you who already has the books don't own them I think) because, and as we all know, a copy of a book is very rare, so, as ocurse every fan of Berserk (or every book lover) are the same, this is why I hereby make an offer to buy this book (or any of the book you want of course) in the lowest price than I could I would be paying to make available to me of them (if that is a problem for some of you I would be willing to pay the difference, but I don't think that you are so rich that it would be a problem for you/). So, in this offer I take in account every answer that I could receive in order to make this price quite fair, in other words that would include the price of the delivery and every other expense that you could think of. So, in this case I'm saying that, for example, in order to make a price that could be fair for every of you, I would have to pay the person who is involved in the book trade a lot more than what would pay for me. (That like 1,5022 euros per copy). But in any case I will take in account all of your answers in order to make this offer as fair as possible so, here are the answers to the question about the price: 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.70 1.90 2.00
No I decided not to give an answer about the postage (because I don't know what the postage is, be aware that there are some states where the postage could be expensive as you are abroad for example). May 17th, 2010.
C'est pire que a pour les scalpers, ils ont dej mis en vente sur les sites de revente les tomes deux fois le prix... Sans les avoir donc. Et si a se trouve les librairies ont pas ouvert les rservations (la mienne en tout cas a adopt la politique de zro rservation, tu viens demander le matin la caisse centrale... C'est triste de devoir en arriver l pour un livre :/ d2c66b5586